Monday, March 19, 2012

Soapy Vengeance


So I went to take a shower tonight and there was only about a third of the shampoo left in my bottle.  Doesn't sound like a problem right?  Well yesterday it was 3/4 full (I remember because I was thinking I had enough shampoo to last til the end of the semester) so apparently one of my suitemates/roommate either used that much of it or dumped it out.  This isn't one of the new tricks either.  It happened last semester also but I just told myself that I wasn't sure how much shampoo was left in the bottle.  I don't know who did it so I can't really confront anyone because then they'll just say it was the other suitemate.  I'd rather have a full-out confrontation then people saying and doing things behind my back because 1.) people don't take the situation as seriously  2.) you doubt if it really happening  3.) you feel like if you retaliate then you're sinking to their level/a bad person.  I haven't retaliated but everytime they do something, I really want to.   

People say revenge is bad but is it really?  If its the only to stand up for yourself, should you just back down because you're trying to be the bigger person? 

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